We have modified dozens of these vehicles for customers to fit the specific role they are to be used for.
In this photo we show one of the twenty plus ambulance versions which we have supplied over the past couple of years

Shoot Vehicles
This example is the shoot or estate vehicle which can carry passengers in comfort with roll up canopy to provide all round visibility.
The rear body can also be used for moving cattle feed and other items around the land.

Fire Fighting
This photo shows a recent build which we displayed at the Emergency Services Show at the National Exhibition Center in Birmingham.
Below is a short video to show the vehicle on the stand and another showing the vehicle during a small live fire training exercise.
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Modular (Twist Locks)
In this example we created several rear bodies for one BV206 chassis which included a personnel carrier body, an ambulance body and a cargo body.

Wind Turbine Support
This photo shows a recent build which we put together for a customer who specilises in the wind farm industry and had a particular requirement for a capstan winch to permit the vertical raising and lowering of equipment.